i think, have half year, or more than half year i never update my blog..
so today, im going to update something on my poor little bloggie.. =)
so, the 1st thing i wanna mention is...
trial is getting closer and closer and closer!!!
i haven't even have the heart to concentrating on my study and of cause, i haven't been ready yet for my trial exam! what should i do?? what should i do?!?!?! >.<
mum and dad went to Sabah with friends last friday, and will coming back on tomorrow...
i hope they will bought something nice for me as a souvenir..? hope so... ~
today is my last day to online, so i have to abandon my bloggie again..LOL!
after my trial, i mean after two weeks, i will be back and post something here for u guys k?
so, i have to go now...
bye dudes, lunch time is here~~~!!!